Thursday 8 November 2012

Information Age

I am yet to read a definition of the information age or society that I find compelling. From what I gathered from the various definitions, the information age is the era when overwhelming amounts of  information became vastly available to the general public.

The idea of ICT's improving productivity was the most interesting of all concepts found in the readings. I will touch open it more in my major blog, but for now I will introduce it.

For one to try and make the argument that ICT's have not increased productivity does not ring a bell with me. I can not seem to find reasonable prove for that. I will have to do more research on the arguments that scholars have brought forth.

The three process of productivity growth mentioned in the information society readings  ( innovation, transformation of labor, diffusion) will also be elaborated on in my major blog, as it is an argument that I myself have put forth before.

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